After we completed our Mayflowers we put together this cute turkey craft:
Awhile back we made coffee filter monsters by making a tie-dye coffee filter and pressing the color onto paper. I saved the coffee filter, knowing we could make something cute and colorful out of it later. Those ended up being perfect for our Turkey tailfeathers! So cute!
Finally, we finished up our secret project we worked on all last week: Thanksgiving placemats for our families! We had a mini lesson on how to draw people correctly, then students were asked to draw their family in the center of the placemat. They turned out amazingly great! I just love seeing all the different families portrayed by each student. Here are a few examples (ignore the flash. I had these laminated so they could be used as a placemat):
And, as promised, here are a few pictures of our Quilt of Thanks from last week!
We had so much to be thankful for! I for one am thankful for this wonderful group of students who work hard every day and try their best. Their sweet personalities bring a smile to my face every single day. I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving holiday filled with family and friends. :)

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