We began our day by reading There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves. I just LOVE this series of books. They have one for just about everything. The kids love them because they pick up on the patterned text quickly and enjoy reading aloud with me.
After the story we worked on our retelling skills. Each student folded a piece of paper into fourths and used the front and back to number the boxes from 1-8. In each box they were asked to write a sentence telling what the old lady swallowed and draw a mini picture. We focused on our sequencing words and they had to use first, next, then, and last.
As students finished up their retelling they got to begin working on a fun fall tree painting. I found this idea on Pinterest, but the original idea came from La Classe Della Maestra Valentina.
First students used a circle tracer to lightly trace the outline of the top of the tree. Then they had to use crayon or marker to draw the trunk, a few stems, and the grass below the tree. When that was completed they used q-tips and tempra paint to add dots to the tree as fall leaves. Some decided to have some leaves falling down as well. Everyone had a lot of fun with this! I was cracking up at their comments about the q-tips. "Ms. McCormack! These are for ears, not for painting!" "Ms. McCormack, have these q-tips been used before?!?" hahaha
Next week is going to be a super exciting week in first grade! Stay tuned!

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