After we learned about Squanto at the beginning of the week, we took some time to learn about the life of a pilgrim boy and girl. We read Samuel Eaton's Day and Sarah Morton's Day, which take the children through the daily chores a Pilgrim child would have been expected to complete. After reading each book the students were asked to write a short paragraph describing what the child had to do first, next, then, and last. Then we made cute little Pilgrim boy and girl faces to go on the top, just like our Squantos from earlier in the week.
Everyone was surprised to learn what a hard life the Pilgrim children had and how hard they had to work from such a young age. This led to a discussion of things that we are thankful to have in our own lives that the Pilgrims may not have been so lucky to have had. On Friday we created a huge list of ideas of things we are thankful for, then each of my friends created a square to add to our I'm Thankful Quilt. On their square they had to list things they were thankful for in each box and then color the pieces to make it beautiful like a quilt square. Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a picture of one of these. I'll see if I can take one today and post it later this evening.
Today, I am thankful that it is only a 2 day week! We have some fun Thanksgiving activities planned for the next 2 days to keep everyone busy before the extra long weekend!

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