Monday, February 4, 2013

100th Day

Today was the 100th day of school and everyone had so much fun! We started out the morning by having a 100 year old costume contest. We took a class vote to determine our best boy and best girl costume, then met all of first grade out in the pod to have a grade level vote. The boy from our class took best overall boy in the grade level! He had a great costume, but it was his acting skills that secured him the win! He was hobbling on his cane like an old man and speaking slowly. TOO CUTE!

After our grade level vote, we took all the kids who dressed up on a parade around the school. We interruped Ms. Shoffit in a meeting so everyone could yell, "hello whippersnapper!" hahaha!

The costume contest and parade took up a large chunk of our morning. With what was left we made a birthday book for a friend in our class and worked on a 100th day project. Each student was giving a dicut of the number 100. They had to use the numbers to make a picture of something. Some of my friends had such creative ideas. I personally love this one:

What a fun morning! I know Ms. Coburn had lots of fun 100th day activities planned in her classroom this afternoon as well.

Hard to believe, but after today there are only 80 more days of first grade!

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