The kids were quite literally shrieking with excitement! As each new student walked into the room the ones already there were shouting out to show them where to look. I love seeing that excitement in their little faces! Dash left us a note on the computer (which I totally forgot to take a picture of, sorry!) explaining that he was excited to be here, reminding everyone he cannot talk to them or move but is happy to listen all day, and that he hoped I didn't mind but he took the liberty of moving all the clips up to green to start the day. Hey, who can argue with one of Santa's magical elves?!?
We got to work right away on our morning work journal. One of the kids suggested that Dash was on a zip line (good schema!) so we included that in our description of what we saw:
The rest of our morning was spent diving in to our week long gingerbread unit. Today we read the original version of The Gingerbread Man. After reading we added cards to our gingerbread house to describe the different elements of the story. Each day this week we will be reading a different version of the story and adding to this chart.
To finish the morning off the kids used pictures of the story to sequence and write sentences. We sure are getting good at using our sequencing words to write sentences!
Check back tomorrow to see what trouble our crazy elf gets himself into!

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