This morning we read the book Jeremy Draws a Monster and used our story map again to discuss the different story elements. However, this time, I let the kids do ALL the work and I must say they impressed me. I had each student bring a notebook and pencil to the carpet with them. I passed out a sticky note which they stuck to their notebook for something hard to write on. I assigned each row on the carpet a different element to listen for (ie one row listened for characters, one for setting, one for problem, and one for solution). I read the story and while I read they used their pencil to write words and draw pictures representing their story element. After reading each student got to come up and add their sticky note to the chart while sharing what they wrote.
I'm so proud of the great work they did! We will definitely be using sticky notes more often as a whole class activity now that I know how responsible they can be with them.

After reading each student got to come up and add their sticky note to the chart while sharing what they wrote.