Every teacher knows the feeling: walking into your room at the start of the year and feeling completely overwhelmed at the thought of how much there is to do. Looking at all the furniture stacked in the corner and all the blank walls can be a little stressful. I always worry it's going to take forever, but every year I surprise myself.
the "before picture"
I spent about 4 hours working the first day, and about the same amount of time the second day. I am happy to say that I am DONE! Until I get a list of student names, there is nothing else to do. Everything is organized and ready, I just need add name tags to the desks and the front door and I'll officially be ready for the year.
Here's a peek of the after:
View of the room from the doorway
My classroom library. So organized ... I LOVE it! :)
The back side of the room ... The cubbies are still full of stuff I need to move to my new reading recovery room so that will be cleaned up a bit before school starts.
The word wall, which currently has just the words the kids are expected to have learned in kindergarten.
Word work and Work on Writing center materials
Entry table: This is where students turn in their work and their daily folders.
This is also new this year and I cannot wait to use it! This is our writing VOICES wall. Just like the Daily Cafe, we will add strategy cards to the wall as a reference as we learn them. I think this is going to help me be more intentional in my writing instruction.

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